Services/Picture Gallery

 Handwriting Without Tears, Loops and Other Groups and many other Handwriting Programs or Techniques can be used to improve legibility.

Understanding where your body is in space , how to coordinate your movements, being able to maintain your attention to task is crucial to succeed academically and in life.

Tele-Health opens up great possibilities for those when direct therapy is not possible due to pandemic, lack of local servicesor illness causing immune deficiency in the patient.   Note in this image my window on the bottom right corner directing the parent or handler regarding positioning, therapeutic exercises and how to facilitate the child's fine motor skills. 

Fine Motor Coordination 
must be addressed through hand strengthening, in-hand manipulation coordination, coordinating both hands together in order to be successful with self-care skills of all kinds.

 Sensory Integration is the process of the brain to make sense sensory experiences and organize that information in order to plan, coordinate and execute movement of the body to adapt to the environment.  It also facilitates the processing and rate of  speech development. 

Tele-Health can also be done with school aged children as well to work on the self-care skills, academic skills, handwriting, visual perception, fine motor coordination, and sensory processing.  Below are examples.  Note the window on the bottom right of each screen shot of myself directing students regarding those skills and combining common household items with computer technology and even using screen share technology to utilize yoga videos for total body exercises and the white board to promote visual perception and imitation of pencil strokes.